Small Business Network Security

Understanding the Six Core Components of Your Business Network Security…

Every small business owner, whether they believe it or not, needs to have a clear understanding of their business’s computer and data network.

Most importantly, there must be real clarity regarding the Core Components relating specifically to the Network’s Security and Performance.

An Analogy That Hits Home…

It is our goal to make understanding your small business network as easy as possible. As such, we’re using the homestead as a business network analogy. We want you to consider all of the entry points to your home as the entry points to your small business network… Think fence and gates, front door, garage, back door, and windows, etc. as possible openings – or Security Risks and/or Threat Points – to your small business network.

Understanding Layered Network Security…

Network Security is All About Taking a Layered Approach…  There is *NO* One-and-Done, All-is-Protected Application.

You must have multiple layers of protection in your business network to make sure that each single defense component has a backup, just in case of a flaw or missing coverage. The individual strengths of each layer will help cover the gaps the other defensive layers may have.

Unfortunately, there is no real way to ever achieve total security against today’s Cyber-Criminals.

TRS Technology Solutions offers a layered security platform, based on the Core 6 Components that delivers the most comprehensive network security solution available, giving you the best proactive, detective and reactive security solutions available today:

Proactive: Stop threats before they start…

Detective: Catch emerging threats as they pop up…

Reactive: Recover systems and data quickly if a threat manages to circumvent the security measures…

Learn Everything You Need To Know At:   |   A TRS Technology Solutions Web Property   |   1202 Rio Boulevard, Building 6, Killeen, TX 76543   |   254-526-8900